
I began this blog at 23, on the cusp of my upcoming Working Holiday adventure to Australia. A lot has changed since then, and I’ve recently wrapped up an almost ten-month-long adventure that took me from Australia, through my boyfriend’s home of New Zealand, and then from Mexico to a finale in Brazil for the 2014 FIFA World Cup. Bear with me while I catch my breath and catch up on all of the posts and pictures from the tail end of the trip.

The man and I have decided to make the move to my home and native land of Canada to bask in maple syrup and play in the snow. I’m off to get a “real” job that offers me a bit more joy and a bit more challenge than the bar did, and he’s keen to work on a mountain somewhere. What better place than the great white north?

This means the adventure is changing, but certainly not ending. Canada offers almost endless amounts of opportunity to explore epic places and do epic things, and we’ll be doing our best to find them all.

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